So, you want to know what DoorParty is all about, huh? Welp, read on!

Subscribers to DoorParty for their BBS use RLogin and SSH to access the doors. The user of each BBS never needs to do anything, just connect and choose the doors they'd like to play! On the sysop side, setup is a snap, thanks again to echicken. He's written an installer for Windows systems, and provided easy instructions for *nix systems. Instructions and a custom install package are right here on this wiki.

DoorParty started as an extension of my BBS, Throwback BBS. I thought it would be a neat way to set up a door server and have a few sysops connect, since I almost always end up helping new and struggling sysops set up their door games. This would be, by far, a much faster option.

After a year of trying to get the 70 some-odd DOS text games working on the server, it was pointed out to me by the (formerly used, GameSrv) server's creator, Rick Parrish, that I missed one tiny option. Once that happened, I was all set to let anyone else that wanted in, join.

DoorParty is a Synchronet BBS server written by Rob Swindell, and modded to allow auto-account creation (and other mods) by echicken.

The server has over 180+ door games with every one registered, and about 70 DOS text games. The LORD game also has about 130 IGMs rotated to 5 random per day!

DoorParty uses ZERO required ads, and is 100% free, forever. It's run from my home, but my uptime is so close to 100% as to be basically 100%. :-D

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at sysop [at] throwbackbbs [dot] com
or if there are technical questions regarding setting up connecting to DoorParty, or if you have any suggestions, feel free to post them on the Facebook page

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and welcome to DoorParty!

sysop 05/16/2018 13:48