(links to their websites if applicable)

List of prior members of DoorParty here.

182 systems connected to DoorParty!

BBS Tag Joined BBS Name & Website BBS Telnet Address Software Sysop
[2CC] September 11th, 2016 2nd Choice Core 2ndchoicecore.ddns.net:1024 Mystic sneaky
[79] February 18th, 2017 79 Columns oddnetwork.org x/84 haliphax
[AB] September 16th, 2016 Archaic Binary bbs.archaicbinary.net Custom Zharvek
[AC] June 28th, 2018 Amiga City amigacity.xyz Synchronet MarisaG
[AD] September 7th, 2019 Another Droid BBS andr01d.zapto.org:9999 Mystic xqtr
[Alca] January 24th, 2018 AlcaBBS bbs.alcatrash.org Synchronet Michael Trip
[BA] November 9th, 2018 The Bottomless Abyss BBS bbs.bottomlessabyss.net:2023 Mystic Stackfault
[BF] February 18th, 2017 Blackfair's Manor blackf.synchro.net Synchronet Lord Blackfair
[BTL] May 21st, 2016 Battlestar BBS battlestarbbs.dyndns.org Synchronet mark i
[WLV] May 24th, 2016 Lair of the Wolverine bbs.theshardforge.cc WWIV Patch
[BSu] August 27th, 2016 Bit Sunrise bitsunrise.com Wildcat! Dark Rebellion
[CS] May 23nd, 2016 Capitol Shrill BBS capitolshrill.com Synchronet nolageek
[DC] December 16th, 2017 Digicom BBS bbs.digicombbs.com:2323 Mystic Gary Barr
[DH] August 5th, 2019 Decker's Heaven bbs.deckersheaven.com Synchronet Psi-Jack
[DI] September 14th, 2016 Distortion d1st.org Mystic Jack Phlash
[DN] September 2nd, 2016 Datanet BBS datanetbbs.net Mystic rEApZ
[DS] June 14th, 2018 Digital Shelter digitalshelter.net Synchronet Tom
[e1202] December 3rd, 2018 Error 1202 BBS error1202bbs.ddns.net:1202 Mystic Sysop Solaris
[e404] January 1st, 2015 Error 404 BBS error404bbs.ddns.net:404 Mystic Sysop Solaris
[EC] October 14th, 2016 electronic chicken BBS electronicchicken.com Synchronet echicken
[FB] July 2nd, 2019 The File Bank BBS! tfb-bbs.org Wildcat! Terry Roati
[FS] December 13th, 2018 Freeside BBS freeside.bbs.io Mystic Ratz
[HB] February 16th, 2017 Herbies-BBS herbies-bbs.ddns.net Proboard 2.17 Herbie
[HW] February 11th, 2019 Hot Wired BBS theghettobbs.com:2333 Wildcat! Havok
[I2] January 29th, 2017 iNK tWO bbs bbs.inktwo.com Mystic smooth
[ID] October 6th, 2016 Immortal's Domain idomain.synchro.net Synchronet Immortal
[IK] October 5th, 2017 Internetking BBS bbs.internetking.us Synchronet Internetking
[JHQ] August 28th, 2018 Juicy HQ bbs.44con.com:6502 ENiGMA½ steve
[KB] January 14th, 2018 Keuhlbox kuehlbox.wtf Mystic stimpy
[KD3] July 20th, 2016 KD3net bbs.kd3.us Synchronet KenDB3
[LG] January 29th, 2019 Lost Gonzo BBS lostgonzo.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet MarisaG
[MD] May 21nd, 2016 Mystic Dreams mysticdreams.dyndns.org:24 Mystic mark i
[PA] July 7th, 2018 PlaneT Afr0 cetialphafive.com:8888 ENiGMA½ fC
[PBP] JUly 22nd, 2018 PB PCBoard pbmystic.rdfig.net:1023 PCBoard Ruben Figueroa
[PE] May 28th, 2016 The Parity Error BBS theparityerror.com Mystic erazmus
[PH] December 17th, 2016 The Pharcyde bbs.pharcyde.org Synchronet Accession
[RCB] February 13th, 2019 realitycheckBBS realitycheckbbs.org Synchronet poindexter FORTRAN
[SC] September 26th, 2016 SLiME CiTY BBS bbs.retrohack.se Mystic m00p
[SH] August 16th, 2016 Shadowscope BBS bbs.shadowscope.com Mystic Captain Obvious
[SHB] August 31st, 2019 Southern Harmony BBS bbs.southernharmony.net Worldgroup Woody
[SR] February 4th, 2015 Scratched Reality reality.throwbackbbs.com:2323 Telegard maskreet
[TB] November 4th, 2014 Throwback BBS bbs.throwbackbbs.com Mystic maskreet
[TGB] August 5th, 2019 The Gate BBS thegateb.synchro.net Synchronet Gate Keeper
[TL] September 28th, 2018 ToTAL LoST BBS bbs.deek.se Mystic ToTAL
[TPB] August 24th, 2018 The Penalty Box pbox.no-ip.org Worldgroup/Custom BlaZ
[VB] October 29th, 2018 Veleno BBS velenobbs.net Synchronet Thomas Bampi
[WN2] May 30th, 2018 The Wrong Number ][ BBS wn2.duckdns.org Mystic Al DeRosa
[WPB] May 30th, 2016 WWIV Prison Board rdfig.net:1023 WWIV Ruben Figueroa
[XA] May 22nd, 2016 Xibalba xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 ENiGMA½ NuSkooler
[TH] September 21st, 2019 Thunder BBS thunderbbs.ringet.org:1023 Mystic Ringet
[BHB] September 26th, 2019 Black House BBS blackhouse.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet AuraM
[GB] September 28th, 2019 Goodwin BBS bbs.goodwin.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet Goodwin
[DNS] October 7th, 2019 Demonsnet demonsnet.com Worldgroup Demonic
[RoS] November 6th, 2019 The Realm of Serion BBS connect.serionbbs.com Synchronet Booch
[AT] December 12th, 2019 Athelstan athelstan.org Synchronet altere
[R15] December 19th, 2019 Region 15 HQ region15.net Mystic Tj Barlow
[TCE] December 25th, 2019 The Computer Express BBS cebbs.costakis.org Synchronet Purduecoz
[w0] December 28th, 2019 w0pr BBS w0pr.win Mystic roovis
[CoF] January 10th, 2020 The Curse of Fenric fenric.muppetwhore.net Synchronet Fenric
[DBB] January 25th, 2020 deadbeatz bbs deadbeatz.org Mystic analog
[TFS] February 21st, 2020 The FreeSpeak freespeak.hopto.org Mystic HSM
[CSC] February 21st, 2020 Colorado Springs Central Net cscnet1.net Mystic Tj Barlow
[AVL] February 26th, 2020 AvL-SyS BBS avl-sys.servebbs.net Synchronet Ranger
[TBT] March 3rd, 2020 The BLACK TOWER blackflag.acid.org:26 Mystic Hawk Hubbard
[ZA] March 30th, 2020 Zandura zandura.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet MarisaG
[FAB] April 2nd, 2020 Family BBS familybbs.ddns.net Mystic Widgit
[SWB] April 30th, 2020 S.W.A.T.S. BBS swatsbbs.ddns.net Mystic Major Queen
[RB] May 4th, 2020 The ROCK BBS III therockbbs.net:10023 Mystic Stizzed
[BD2] May 16th, 2020 Bucko's Den II bd2.duckdns.org ENiGMA½ Bucko
[UR] May 27th, 2020 The Unknown Realm turealm.no-ip.org:3023 Mystic Grim Reaper
[CC] June 12th, 2020 ConstructiveChaos BBS conchaos.synchro.net Synchronet codefenix
[TK] June 12th, 2020 The KEEP BBS thekeep.net:23 Worldgroup Bill The Cat
[CND] July 24th, 2020 CaNerDUH BBS bbs.canerduh.com:23905 Mystic blade
[JB] July 24th, 2020 Joe's BBS joesbbs.com Winserver IB Joe
[S9] August 8th, 2020 SILO[9] nervestaple.byte4byte.com Mystic cmiles
[HYP] September 6th, 2020 HyperNode hypernode.ddns.net Mystic MaxMouse
[DO] September 20th, 2020 Diamond Mine Online bbs.dmine.net 24 Synchronet v3.18 Diamond Dave
[PR] October 13th, 2020 Pweck's Retreat BBS pwecksretreat.com Mystic pweck
[HOV] October 13th, 2020 Halls of Valhalla hovalbbs.com:2333 Synchronet bobrob
[WL] October 16th, 2020 The Wastelands BBS wastelands-bbs.net Synchronet Thumper
[OHB] November 2nd, 2020 Old Highland Borg ohb.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet Lockerly
[DFS] November 2nd, 2020 Dark Forces BBS darkforcesbbs.dyndns.org:2200 Mystic mark i
[BSA] November 2nd, 2020 Battlestar Atlantis atlantisbbs.dyndns.org:2600 Wildcat mark i
[BSP] November 2nd, 2020 Battlestar Pegasus pegasusbbs.dyndns.org:28 Renegade mark i
[GL] November 16th, 2020 GridLock gridlock.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet Bigcheeze
[BC] December 5th, 2020 Beggar's Canyon beggarscyn.com Synchronet WitNik
[EOL] December 10th, 2020 End Of The Line BBS endofthelinebbs.com Synchronet nelgin
[SP] December 18th, 2020 Spades BBS spades.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet Smooth
[GDOS] December 18th, 2020 GDOS BBS gdos.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet Jeffwood
[ALT] January 6th, 2021 Alterant alterant.bbs.leenooks.net Synchronet deon
[DAB] January 12th, 2021 DarkAgesBBS darkagesbbs.com Synchronet Gargoyle
[EMS] January 17th, 2021 EMS!BBS ems-bbs.com Wildcat! Gnickel
[SLK] January 29th, 2021 Slackers slackers.ddns.net:2323 Mystic GngrDr3dM4n
[CQ] January 29th, 2021 Captain's Quarters II cqbbs.ddns.net:6800 Mystic Byte Knight
[RGH] February 18th, 2021 Roughneck BBS host.roughneckbbs.com Synchronet tracker1
[MGM] February 18th, 2021 >>> Magnum BBS <<< bbs.magnum.uk.net Synchronet Keyop
[MW] March 9th, 2021 Mojo's World BBS bbs.mojosworld.net Synchronet Mojo
[MR] September 18th, 2021 Mystic Realms mysticrealms.ddns.net:11000 Mystic Vorlonze
[ZL] September 18th, 2021 Zenolab zenolab.synchro.net Synchronet Zenobyte
[PLC] September 18th, 2021 pLANET cARAVAN lab.zylone.org Mystic Zylone
[AGL] September 18th, 2021 Al's Geek Lab BBS alsgeeklab.com:2323 Mystic hyjinx
[IMZ] September 18th, 2021 Imzadi Box box.imzadi.de Synchronet acn
[PBM] September 18th, 2021 PBSync BBS pbmystic.rdfig.net 2424 Synchronet Zazz
[LOB] September 18th, 2021 Landover BBS landover.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet LanceLyon
[BDB] September 19th, 2021 Bucko's Den BBS bdbbs.duckdns.org:6401 Synchronet Bucko
[KN6] October 2nd, 2021 KN6Q BBS bbs.kn6q.org Synchronet Xerxes
[DGT] October 10th, 2021 DavidDGTNT BBS https://house.daviddgtnt.xyz Mystic DavidDGTNT
[DR] October 13th, 2021 Wizard's Rainbow wizardsrainbow.com Wildcat! Dark Rebellion
[TBM] November 24th, 2021 Three Blind Mice threeblindmice.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet JBledsoe
[BX] November 29th, 2021 BodaX BBS bbs.beardy.se ENiGMA 1/2 beardy
[WCPB] December 5th, 2021 Wildcat Prison BBS wcalt.rdfig.net:2324 Wildcat! RUBEN FIGUEROA
[ARB] December 21st, 2021 Amiga Retro Brisbane BBS www.amigaretro.com Mystic Intangybles
[PO] December 22nd, 2021 Poast BBS bbs.poast.org Enigma 1/2 graf
[OW] January 20th, 2022 Online World BBS bbs.onlineworld.ninja Mystic sixtyfour
[BEOS] January 24th, 2022 BeOS City beos.retro-os.live Synchronet MarisaG
[BIB] January 28th, 2022 Big Beautiful System bigbeautifulsystem.ddns.net:2323 Mystic BaseballHorse
[S&S] February 5th, 2022 Shipwrecks & Shibboleths shibboleths.org:800 Mystic DustCouncil
[EXO] February 20th, 2022 Exoplanet BBS exoplanetbbs.net Mystic InfectedBootSector
[HF] April 13th, 2022 Hold Fast interzone.annexia.xyz:2323 Mystic Nitron
[AY] April 17th, 2022 Alcoholiday alco.bbs.io Mystic Zero Reader
[BZ] June 18th, 2022 BabzWorld babzworld.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet n2kmaster
[ONY] July 12th, 2022 oNyX bBs onyxbbs.mywire.org:2300 Mystic seeLive
[SOA] July 12th, 2022 StarFlight stateoftheark.ca:1990 Renegade MR.X
[RVS] July 15th, 2022 RVs and RPGs BBS bbs.rvsandrpgs.com:2323 Mystic nblade
[SLI] July 21st, 2022 Slinky's Place slinkybbs.com Synchronet Steven Bennett
[BR] July 21st, 2022 Black Rifle BBS blackriflebbs.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet David
[TCP] July 25th, 2022 Taco Pronto tacopronto.bbs.io Synchronet phigan
[TAL] July 25th, 2022 TALIADON BBS taliadon.ddns.net Mystic TALIADON
[NIM] August 15th, 2022 Nimbus BBS nimbus.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet Ralphsmole
[SQC] August 21st, 2022 Squared Circle BBS squaredcircle.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet MarkI
[ABB] November 5th, 2022 Auntie Bodies BBS auntiebodies.dyndns.org:2324 Synchronet mark i
[KRCO] November 10th, 2022 KRCO krco.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet Benjaminknox
[CLU] November 26th, 2022 Clutch bbs.clutchbbs.com Mystic niter3
[NOV] December 26th, 2022 Noverdu noverdu.com Mystic Claw (DrClaw)
[MON] January 10th, 2023 monterey montereybbs.com Mystic esc
[0XD] February 15th, 2023 0xDECAFBAD bbs.decafbad.com:6523 Synchronet lmorchard
[666] February 21st, 2023 splatter.haus:666 splatter.haus:666 Mystic nolageek
[MH] February 27th, 2023 Mystic Hobbies BBS mystic-hobbies.com Mystic Mike Dippel
[DIS] March 8th, 2023 Digital Sanctuary BBS digitalsanctuarybbs.com Mystic Rockford
[STJ] April 7th, 2023 Starship Junkyard bbs.starshipjunkyard.com Synchronet Lime
[TFC] April 29th, 2023 The File Cabinet BBS filecabi.casacam.net Mystic Richard Vonzel
[PBBS] May 29th, 2023 Penguin BBS mrpenguin.ddns.net Synchronet Mr.Penguin
[STYX] June 8th, 2023 The River Styx riverstyx.ddns.net Synchronet Charon
[OUT] June 12th, 2023 OUTLAND outland.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet Ebojager
[TUN] June 25th, 2023 The Underground Network theunderground.network Mystic Mr. Disk
[BLD] June 27th, 2023 BLOODBBS blood.bbsn.us Mystic Lexent
[20] April 24th, 2020 20 For Beers BBS 20forbeers.com:1337 Mystic Paulie420
[TY] May 24th, 2016 Tiny's BBS tinysbbs.com:4323 Talisman Tiny
[TVB] April 10th, 2020 The Vault BBS thevaultbbs.ddns.net:2323 Mystic Don Rolo
[BLF] July 19th, 2023 Black Flag blackflag.acid.org Mystic Hawk
[PIR] July 21st, 2023 Piranha piranha.acid.org Mystic Hawk
[AU] July 21st, 2023 ACiD Underworld blackflag.acid.org Mystic Hawk
[SIL] July 21st, 2023 SiliconUnderground siliconu.com ProBoard Massacre
[HG] July 22nd, 2023 Holmade Games BBS bbs.holmadegames.com ENiGMA½ Holmfry
[CCX] August 17th, 2023 CCX BBS bbs.ccxbbs.net MajorBBS NerdTower
[SLA] August 17th, 2023 SLASHER BBS slasherbbs.com ProBoard SLASHER
[UOR] August 19th, 2023 UORealms BBS bbs.uorealms.com MajorBBS Corp Por This and/or Sysop
[PRP] August 21st, 2023 ProBoard Prison BBS gapbbs.rdfig.net ProBoard Zazz
[VPR] August 29th, 2023 The Viper BBS theviperbbs.mywire.org Synchronet Theviper
[4WH] September 8th, 2023 4 Wheel HAM bbs.4wheelham.com Synchronet Saxainden
[AIB] September 13th, 2023 Alcatraz Island BBS bbs.fdf.net Mystic Jail Bird
[CYR] September 20th, 2023 Cyrellia cyrellia.net Synchronet Cyrelli
[STAB] September 20th, 2023 StabbyNET stabbynet.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet Stabby
[ARC] September 27th, 2023 Arcadia BBS bbs.arcadiabbs.com Mystic Nazferiti
[RTN] October 11th, 2023 RetroTechNet BBS bbs.retrotechnet.com Renegade Chris Schoppy
[TTC] October 22nd, 2023 ToTal Chaos II chaos2.ddns.net Mystic Semso
[CVW] October 30th, 2023 civitas.world bbs.civitas.world ENiGMA½
[DYN] December 23rd, 2023 Dynamite BBS dynamite.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet
[B3] December 30th, 2023 Bunker 3 woofer.v6.rocks Enigma½
[TRN] February 3rd, 2024 The Rogue Network bbs.roguenet.work Enigma½
[WGB] February 5th, 2024 Wicked Garden BBS wgbbs.ddns.net MajorBBS
[KK4] February 7th, 2024 KK4QBN BBS kk4qbn.synchro.net Synchronet
[FZ] February 7th, 2024 FlipperZero BBS bbs.gglab.cloud Mystic
[MIK] February 29th, 2024 MikusBBS mikusbbs.icu Synchronet
[EOTS] March 2nd, 2024 eye of the storm on.the.net.nz synchronet
[ZZAP] March 2nd, 2024 ZZap BBS bbs.zzap.org Synchronet
[HOLO] March 27th, 2024 The Holodeck BBS holodeckbbs.ddns.net MajorBBS Ramius
[S13] March 27th, 2024 Signal Thirteen BBS bbs.signalthirteen.zone Synchronet
[FXR] May 14th, 2024 Foenix Rising bbs.foenixnet.com:256 WWIV
[MST] May 25th, 2024 Mastodont BBS mastodontbbs.hopto.org | [ME] | June 9th, 2024 | [[http://https://mindseye.synchronetbbs.org|Minds Eye mindseye.synchronetbbs.org Synchronet
[TMB] June 9th, 2024 Time Machine BBS timemachinebbs.ddns.net Mystic
[TooL] July 18th, 2024 Too Lazy toolazy.ddns.net Synchronet amessyroom