Yankees & Rednecks

HINT: SLAUGHTER those stupid Street People!

Welcome to Yankees & Red Necks! This is a fantasy game filled with fastpaced hack & slash action, violence and instant death. This game has only one purpose : for your enjoyment It is possible for you to actually enter the game and go berzerk right away. However, you can continue reading and perhaps learn some tactics that can keep you alive for awhile.

You will and have already selected your character. You may select to play under an alais and then select character types. ALL characters have different beginning values! Either selection you should always concentrate your efforts on the Butcher Shop. It's in this area that your fortune can be made, or your life end…There are over thirty-five levels stretching from the top of Yankee country to the heart of the south. Let it now be said that there are many a wild and insane man on the Streets. Some of you will never return! The legends say that the guardians of the Streets goes beyond everything your worst nightmare can bring forth. No one has ever reached beyond the 30th level, you could be the first.

Be prepared though, dress well, visit the Armor shop and Weapon shop and carry the proper equipment.

Converse with other players! They can be your best Friend.

Completing the final challenge of the Streets of Yankees & Red Necks will reward you with immortalization in the chronicles. Your name will live forever.

It is very important to note that while on the Streets, many strange humans lurk. Some may even approach you and offer different things. Your response will ultimately lead to either riches or to death. Be warned! Some treasures will need a certain ability to be reached. Some treasures may just be traps, waiting for some Red Neck stumble into.

If you don't fancy strolling down the Streets, you can do other things. Why not visit the Camp Ground, where Red Necks and Yankees as well can camp over night. You can kick their camper and challenge them. Show 'em the REAL man(or woman) that you really are. Check into the Sports lounge…. Be careful at those “Yard Sales” and the “lost Brief cases”, they can get a bit tricky.

There will always be opponents in this game, not just the humans you challenge on the Streets, but also computer controlled characters. These guys are not always nice. Some will try to “whip your butt” just for the hell of it! The Street people, on the other hand, are always there waiting for you.

Becoming “thug of the day” is very rewarding! However there is one trick to reaping the benefits. In order to become “thug of the day” you must first have the most experience points over all players. Thats the first requirement. The last requirement is that you must be the FIRST player to logon that day to reap the “bennies”. In other words if Joe Blow logs on with less Experience points than you, and you're the top dog, if he leaves the game with more points than you. Well, shame on ya!